MCA circular on relaxation of additional fees and extension of time for filing of e-Forms by Companies and Annual Return by LLPs (Form 11)
MCA vide its general circular no. 07/2016 dated 31st May, 2016 has extended the period for which the one time waiver of additional fees is applicable to all e-forms which are due for filing by companies between 25th March, 2016 to 30th June, 2016 and has also extended the last date for filing such documents and availing the benefit of waiver till 10th July, 2016.
This circular is in continuation of MCA general circular no.03/2016 dated 12th April, 2016 in which relaxation and extension was given upto 10th May, 2016 and general circular no.06/2016 dated 16th May, 2016 in which a further relaxation and extension was given upto 10th June, 2016.
Further, extension is also given for filing Annual Return of Limited Liability Partnership (LLPs) in Form 11 with respect to the Financial Year ending on 31st March, 2016, upto 30th June, 2016.
The Circular is available on the website of the MCA at the link –